2016 Summary

New Guitarist!
22 December 2016
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3 March 2017
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2016 Summary

Hell Maniacs!

We are bit late with summary of past year 2016, but always the music was our priority instead writing posts about the past 😉

However, some words should be written, becouse many changes have come.

Generally past year 2016 was very good for Embrional band. First of all, in the beginning of 2016 personal lineup of the band has stabilized and Daniel Rutkowski join to Embrional as regular drummer. We’ve played on 21 st edition of Brutal Assault OAF, second edition polish Dark Fest OAF and together with friends from Ragehammer we supported Destroyer666.

In 2016 Embrional faced with several obstacles and difficulties, among others, we had to take decision, that our guitarist Rychu has to leave Embrional.

However, we were impressed, how huge amount of musicians wanted to join Embrional band. Result of such interesting was, that very soon we choose Tomasz Ziarko as new band member. Professionalism of new guitarist Tomasz will caused, that Embrional was fully prepared for live show just after one month !

Further more we have played very good show in Sodoma Fest 2016 in Slovakia. This event closed year 2016 with optimistic vision for the future!

As summarize we would like to say thank you very much for all peoples who support us during passed time! We will not create special thx list, becouse It would be huge.

All things which happened in 2016 proved, tha we have a lot of close friends which always believe and support us!



Thank you all very much and wish you better 2017!

More very good news from our side will come soon.

Stay tuned!!!

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